Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse


The average rate of response for direct mail is from .5% to 2%, Of course, this is highly dependent on what you are selling and at what price. If you offer a new car for $100 your response will be closer to 100%. On the other hand, if you advertise your product or service at the full retail price, you can only expect meager results.

Consider what you can do to make direct mail work for you…

  • When you use the word FREE, you will triple the number of people who will read the offer. To maximize your response rate, make the word FREE an integral part of the design.
  • Use the most targeted mailing list possible. The only way to make direct mail cost efficient is to target prospects who are the most likely to buy your goods and/or services.
  • Make sure your direct mail is eye catching and stands out in the mail. High gloss, oversized postcards consistently deliver the highest rate of response.
  • Make sure your sale is credible. “Unbelievable and Incredible Sales” are often neither believable nor credible. Words count so use them wisely. If your sale represents good value for customers, they will leave with a positive feeling about their shopping experience.
  • The most successful sales last three to five days. Sales longer than an extended weekend lose their sense of urgency and often get lost in a stack of mail.
  • A sale should be multi-layered because different people respond to different offers. When you advertise a FREE gift just for stopping in along with real storewide savings and a strong finance deal, customers will be enticed to come to the sale.
  • Be creative. Having an hourly drawing for big prizes like televisions, iPads, accessories and bedding. As part of filling out an entrance form, make sure you capture email addresses so you can begin online sales events.
Please contact me to discuss your marketing plans.